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24335 NW West Union Road
Hillsboro, OR 97124
United States

(503) 647-2638

The Schoch Dairy and Creamery website contains information on our cows, fresh bottled milk, wholesome eggs, and how to get here. We also offer T-shirts and sweatshirts with the Schoch Dairy logo.



We now carry cheese!

Helvetia Creamery is a small, family owned operation near us. Milking three Brown Swiss cows, the Grossen family makes artisan Swiss cheeses the old fashioned way.

We currently offer two types of cheese:

  • Bergkäese
    Originated in the Berner Oberland region of Switzerland. Stronger in taste of the two cheeses.
  • Gruyere Style
    Named after the town of Gruyères in Switzerland. Creamy and nutty in flavor.

All cheeses are aged a minimum of ninety days. Prices vary depending on weight and age.